Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Decades Of Despair - Alive (2012) review

This, this guys is one hell of a metal album. Formerly
deathcore band has evolved into this beast. Their first full
lenght comes out December 1st. It is called Alive and
contains 12 tracks.

Allright, let's check this little beast out.The first song/intro
"Introduction" starts with clean guitar harmony, then boom.
Blast beats, sick riff and it prepares us for what is to come.
As an intro, good choice. No prefabricated speech/chug

The second track called "Son Of The Red Sand" breaks
through with fast drumming, i liked the combination of highs
and lows, the vocals kinda reminds me Enfold Darkness,
you'll love this. Great instrumentalism on this one. The
shouts/shrieks in the middle of the song gives you that cold
feeling, then it leads into sick solo. The song ends with
some nice guitar melody and slowly fades out.

The third song "Alive" one of my favorites, it has sweet
intro. I love that bass, you can clearly hear it if you have
better speakers it is sex. The song "Alive" has bits of clean
vocals i mean just like 2 words and it is followed up with
those high vocals that just shatters my face and comes with
sick riffs. This one also has a solo. Then it ends with that
clean/high scream vocals, it is like raspberry jam! 

Fourth song "Defeated Kingdom" is a fucking monster. If
you know DOD for a while, they released this one a single
with Wrath of the fallen Gods back in 2011. This is
remastered and the instrumentals are just amazing, you
know when your gf's pussy is wet enough, it is smooth,
juicy, fast! haha. I like that black metal feeling this one has.
My another fav.

Fifth song "The Essence Of Life" whoaa! Watch out! There
is sexy bass line in the beginning, in the middle and in the
end as well. It just makes me feel like i'm trapped in bush
and huge bear is coming to have a feast on my hallucinated
body yet i'm happy cause that bass makes me happy. My
another favorite one? Yes! Again? Yes! Why? Jesus, just
listen to it and you will know :) If this song doesn't work for
you, check your ears.

Sixth song "Instrumental" is.... Instrumental, with some
ambient sounds in the background, clean guitar. Thats all,
just gives my body some time to repair.

Seventh song "The Ritual" starts with mid tempo, shredding
guitars and again those sick vocals. Gosh this dude has
amazing range! this is kinda black metal song. I like that i
cannot tell you what exactly this guys play. You better listen
for yourself! In this song is sweet interlude, then it grows
and releases its kraken with blast beats and fast-paced riffs.
Shreds as fuck! Good one!

Eighth song "Wrath Of The Fallen Gods" is pure evil.
Imagine yourself running in dark forest, trying to get the hell
out but the satan plays Uno with you. That's what i imagine
while listening to this song. This is gonna be my favorite
release of the year. I cannot explain much how the song
goes, it is flawless! The guitarists are like BOSS at what
they are doing!

Ninth song "Tremors" opens up with blast beats and the
monster is hungry again! If you like TBDM, Enfold
Darkness, Godless Crusade or metal in general you will
love this. I've gotta tell you the mid-part of this song has
some clean vocals, it is well mixture with those high/lows
damn! The song ends with guitar solo and some sing in the
background. Cool !

10th song! What a filthy vocals! Me as a vocalist, hands
down to this guy, doing hell of a great job! Blast beats, that
bass again yummy! The song itself brings you to the
oblivion gate! This reminds me The Ancient (nowadays
Winterus). The lyrical content is at very high level, again
some sing parts. Not that kinda post-hardcorish, metalcore
sing, but this sing fits for the atmosphere of the "ALIVE".
Just look at the cover! And this is very good song :)

11th track! "|." Uaaargh! The guitar at the beginning, you
gotta hear it! Again some influences from TBDM which
definitely is not a bad thing! It is fast paced song, it has
filthy-vocal interlude followed up with blast beats and guitars
that tear you down from happiness to total hatred as the
growl/guttural vocal comes! First, i though that this is an
instrumental, but this is legit track as fuck! What a journey!

12th track! "A Glittering Obscurity" NO! The last one, i really
enjoyed this back and forth drive from hell into bush with
huge bears :) Again the guitars take its place and shows us
how talented these guys are! They deserve every reward,
every cent they get!
I can hear some clean vocals again, kinda like God Forbid.
In the middle of the song, guess what, there is orchestral
part. What a great way to end this album, it is almost
symphonic, yet you can hear the guitars. The solo takes
over and leads into sweet intro where your soul is now free
to go infinite! Whoa, and piano in the very end is just sexy!

Thank you Decades Of Despair for your effort you put into
this release, i can hear it! The album art cover works well
with the music! Guys if you liked this review, don't mind go
ahead and pick up your copy of this GOLD!
Absolutely brilliant metal release! There is nothing to
complain about on this album, DOD's are really nice guys!
I give it 9,5/10

Support them here !
Check out the band here!

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